Buildings & Energy = Profits & Resilience !
Profitable Buildings make, use, & store energy - and then buy & sell that energy too
How do you get up to speed on this relatively new and bewildering aspect of modern proptech ? That of the new electrical energy systems you will need to install in your buildings. ( MicroGrids with RoofTop Solar, Batteries, EV Chargers, MicroTurbines, fuel cells and much more ).
In the past, a building's electrical reticulation network was a cost centre. Now, self-generated electrical energy for self-consumption means the same reticulation system is an attractive profit centre. Throw in the ability to sell energy back to the grid and it's clear you will need a good business case - and that's where we help you get started.
What we do :-
In a fast-changing environment, a Management Team may not yet have considered a long-term energy plan, or what needs to be done in what order, or which technologies and infrastructure to invest in. It would help if you had an Energy Master Plan.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to designing the optimum Energy Master Plan. Each site has its own unique characteristics, including :-
- the types of buildings,
- transport systems,
- local regulations,
- energy generation and distribution assets,
- geographic and spatial constraints,
- and social & goveranance factors ( ESG+R )
We work with you to strategically identify, assess, and prioritise your current and future energy needs and infrastructure requirements. A master plan is about controlling your energy costs and ensuring a resilient supply of power in times of need. And there is also the small matter of addressing your company's ESG+R and Net-Zero Goals, both of which form part of this fully integrated Energy Master Plan.
Our tried-and-trusted process provides decision-makers like yourself with the detailed information needed to support informed investment decisions about your site's energy future. We combine our best-practice system modelling with your local stakeholder knowledge. The outcome is a complete, bankable, future-proof, and cost-effective Energy Master Plan.
What is an Energy Master Plan ?
A strategic vision for the production, distribution, consumption, and conservation of energy in a building, campus, or community

Local Energy Systems Analysis at scale to prioritise New Business Opportunities
Energy Master Planning and Microgrid Techno-economic Evaluations start with a portfolio-level view of overall ROI potential
We use XENDEE, a comprehensive DER Design & Operation Platform. Here is how it works :-
Integrate Multiple Data Sources for Comprehensive DER Modelling
We create holistic models of your energy systems by integrating with internal and external data sources, including: technology data, tariff data, load data, and weather data.
Activate Rapid DER Site Discovery
Quickly prioritise potential DER or microgrid sites at scale based on your unique project requirements and objectives (ROI, Resiliency, Redundancy, Carbon Reduction).
Mitigate Investment Risk via Portfolio Analysis
Instantly generate feasibility and financial reports to forecast profitability and improve investment outcomes.
Transition Seamlessly Into XENDEE’s Detailed Engineering DER and Microgrid DESIGN System
Next, leverage the same algorithm with more detailed input data to create optimal final designs for high-priority sites.