Energy Master Plan

What is an Energy Master Plan ?

A strategic vision for the production, distribution, consumption, and conservation of energy in a building, campus, or community

Energy is a significant recurring long-term operational cost, and requires proactive management. You will need a roadmap showing you how to control your site’s energy spend and how to phase in the necessary levels of energy security.

An Energy Master Plan is a comprehensive strategic document that outlines an organisation's energy goals, policies, and strategies for the short- and long-term. The Plan provides a blueprint for the development and implementation of energy initiatives, projects, and programs aimed at achieving energy efficiency, reducing energy costs, increasing energy security, and reducing the impact of energy use on the environment.

An EMP typically includes the following components :-

  1. Energy audit: An analysis of current energy usage, cost, and efficiency.
  2. Energy demand and supply forecasting: An assessment of future energy needs, sources of supply, and the expected availability of, and demand for, energy over a specified period of time.
  3. Energy policy and strategy development: The development of energy policies and strategies to support the implementation of the Energy Master Plan, such as incentives for renewable energy development, energy efficiency programs, and regulations for energy use and production. The aim is to reduce energy costs while managing the Scope 1, 2, and 3 Carbon Emissions.

     This in turn requires :-

  • Energy efficiency: This involves the implementation of energy-saving measures, such as building design, energy-efficient appliances, and energy management systems, to reduce energy consumption.
  • Renewable Energy infrastructure: This involves the development of new energy infrastructure, such as power plants, distribution networks, and energy storage systems, to meet the growing energy demand.
  • 24/7 Carbon-free Energy: A Guarantees of Origin mechanism that requires real-time matching between flexible consumption and renewable electricity generation. The goal of 24/7 Carbon-free Energy is to provide a clean, sustainable, and reliable source of electricity that reduces greenhouse gas emissions and helps to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
  • Demand Management: Demand response requires levels of energy flexibility so that the site load profile can be managed to suit the particularly energy tariff at the time. Flexing is achieved by shifting, shedding, and shaping of the load and its profile.

In summary, the Energy Master Plan provides a comprehensive and integrated approach to energy planning and helps to ensure that energy goals are met in a cost-effective and sustainable manner.

An Energy Master Plan may include Geospatial energy planning.

" Geospatial energy planning is a type of local area energy planning and is core to
any project. It is vital to understand the limitations and opportunities presented
by the geographical and socioeconomic conditions of different areas, and how
new local renewable generation, heating, emobility resources and infrastructure can best fit the project "  [ as defined by the Greater Manchester Local Energy Market (GMLEM) ]

By any other name !

Call  it what you want, and Energy Master Plan is always going to be about having put effort into understanding the future needs of a company or site.

Energy Master Plan, Energy Roadmap, Energy Game Plan, Energy Blueprint, Energy Program, Energy Protocol, Energy Proposal, or Energy Strategy.

" The choices a company makes about its energy sourcing and consumption can profoundly influence its cost structure "

And how firms manage the environmental and climate impacts of its energy use—principally carbon emissions—is an increasingly important differentiator for consumers, investors, and corporate customers. -- Energy Strategy for the C-Suite, Harvard Review