
For immediate attention, please email us with your mobile number  -

Explore a few ideas with Mike ! -- 15min chat - Mike Barker
Interested in MicroGrids ?And Profitable Buildings ? A warm welcome ☺ Lets explore a few ideas !-- Please feel free to add a short meeting to my calendar.

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For general information, including a brochure for your reference, feel free to email

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Of interest - Mike Barker manages various Social Media forums

1)  Grid-interactive Buildings - Energy Flexibility - 24/7 Carbon-free Energy

Please consider joining this fledgling LinkedIN Group for Professionals  :- 1030 members, and a carefully curated spam-free resource

  • Active Buildings ( ABC RP )
  • Energy Smart Appliances ( PAS 1878/9 )
  • Prosumer Electrical Installations ( IEC 60364-8-2 )
  • Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings ( US DoE, ASHRAE FSGIM, ISO 17800 )
  • Energy Flexible Buildings ( IEA EBC Annex 67 & 82 )

2)  IBPSA - International Building Performance Simulation Association

Please consider joining this LinkedIN Group for Professionals  :-
IBPSA - International Building Performance Simulation Association
> 10, 040 members, and a carefully curated spam-free resource

3) Daylighting & BIPV & Fenestration - IBPSA

Please consider joining this LinkedIN Group for Professionals  :-
Daylighting & BIPV & Fenestration - IBPSA
> 4700 members, and a carefully curated spam-free resource